Friday, January 11, 2008

Mama Mia.............

You know you're getting old when you completely forget you have booked tickets for this show!!!! Let me explain back in 2006 around the time I retired a friend at work was organising a block booking. I booked tickets as Embee and I both enjoy ABBA music; what's more I even put it on the computer calendar ~ now I know you are impressed!
So far so good.....however, since then my brain has gone to mush and I completely forgot all about this little treat we had in store....even when I saw the show advertised it still did not jog my memory....when my friend Debbie rang on Sunday evening and said 'about tickets for Mama Mia' I was still blank.... she must have sensed my hesitation...'you have tickets' she said.... suddenly the lights went on!!!!!! and that's where we went yesterday evening.
It was an excellent show, this production was slightly different from the original that we saw in London not long after it opened. Sam took us that time as my birthday treat and she had organised champagne and canapés~ she knows how to please her mother!!

When we got home and I checked my emails there was a reminder from my calendar about the show!!!
I had hoped for a little more response to my post yesterday. Enidd did well she named ten different vinegars. I will close this at the end of today so if you want to join in go back and comment on yesterday's post.

Hint # 1
Wood cleaning Solution (you probably know this one):
3 tablespoons white distilled vinegar
3 tablespoons water
1/2 teaspoonful liquid soap or detergent
Few drops of olive oil

Combine ingredients in a bowl, saturate a sponge, squeeze out excess and wash surfaces. The smell of vinegar will disappear in a few hours. (Store safely)

Getting rid of fruit flies:
Put a bowl of cider vinegar out to attract fruit flies. The same can be achieved by washing windows in cider vinegar,, but that's probably not the effect you want.
If this attracts the flies but doesn't kill them, put one teaspoon of sugar, two teaspoons of cider vinegar and several drops of washing up liquid in a small container. Fill up with water. Flies are attracted to the vinegar, but the soap kills them.(this is one I will be using once the flies return!)

Perking up cut flowers:
Keep flowers fresh for longer by adding two tablespoons of vinegar and one tablespoon of sugar to each litre (2 pints) of water.

2007: Flowering cactus

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At 11/1/08 13:33, Blogger FH said...

Chris, thank God for E mail reminders!:D
Enjoy the show, my husband loves ABBA! We have good collection of CDs.
Vinegar can be used to clean window panes, to get rid of funny smell form disposer in the kitchen by mixing baking soda and vinegar. I had a recipe for mixture to clean the moldy green tiles too, I think I have lost it.
Have you seen the movie "my big fat Greek wedding!"? It's hilarious, they use Vinegar for EVERYTHING, including chasing the bad spirits!:D
See you on Monday.I am making some changes in my blog, but I will visit you as usual. I will explain in my next post why and what!:)

At 11/1/08 14:33, Blogger Misty said...

I am eager to see this production! I've never had the opportunity!

At 11/1/08 14:34, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I recently got bent out of shape when I could login to a banking account. After receiving my login from a nice man in India [sic], I belatedly realized that I had made up this login myself some time before. Oh well.

At 11/1/08 14:45, Blogger thefoodsnob said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the show. I don't think age has anything to do with it, I wouldn't remember if I had done it in 2006, either!


At 11/1/08 16:05, Blogger Cuppa said...

Oh I know the feeling so well. I am at the point where I send myself an email reminder that a reminder is coming and then one for the actual event. If I miss all three I am really in trouble.

Time to get the DS-Brain Age dodad out and practice, practice, practice!!!

At 11/1/08 16:36, Blogger Beccy said...

Cuppa mum tried the brain age on my ds but didn't like her first result and gave up.

Glad you enjoyed the show mum, Mollie and I loved it when we saw it in Dublin.

Asha, bread soda on its own is fab for getting rid of smells, I used it recently when Ben was sick everywhere and it worked a treat.

At 11/1/08 17:12, Anonymous Anonymous said... got tickets over a year ago? And you are surprised that you don't remember? I'm shocked if I can remember something scheduled a week ago!

I'm glad you had fun at the show. What fun!

At 11/1/08 17:12, Blogger Alix said...

Well what a nice surprise it must have been. I love Mama Mia, I grew up with my Mum playing the Abba music so seem to have absorbed all the songs without trying!

At 11/1/08 17:45, Blogger ChrisB said...

susan now you've made me feel a whole lot better!

Alix who would have believed a Eurovision group would have such enduring popularity!!

At 11/1/08 19:04, Blogger Julie said...

I loved Mama Mia when I saw it - glad you had a good time!

I'm useless when it comes to vinegar - the only thing I used it for is dying Easter eggs!

At 11/1/08 19:20, Blogger Amy W said...

I can't tell you the things I have the symphony tickets I had for a show in December.

LOVED Mama Mia when I saw it!

At 11/1/08 19:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed the show! I think booking tickets so far in advance is a really good idea. You can forget all about it and then (as long as you have something or someone in place to remind you neare the time) you can get excited about it again! I took my mum to see an ABBA tribute band for her birthday and we had a really good time. It was at the Empire Theatre in Sunderland which is a beautiful old theatre with wonderful acoustics.

At 11/1/08 19:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I did mean to say/write my mum-in-law.

At 11/1/08 22:20, Blogger ChrisB said...

daffy the Bristol Hippodrome is also a very old theatre and at times I think the music was just a bit too loud.

At 12/1/08 00:08, Blogger Devon said...

So glad you still had the tickets and made it to the show! My memory gets worse every year!

I thought about commenting yesterday but really only know a few of the basic vinegars and thought I wouldn't be able to contribute much at all!

At 12/1/08 04:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen Mama Mia three times ! I would go again if given the chance. Love Love Love it!

Vinegar? theHansMan puts it in his deviled eggs. Makes my mouth pucker just thinking about them.

At 12/1/08 05:39, Blogger Kila said...

Those are great tips, thanks.

I'm glad you made it to the show and enjoyed it!

At 12/1/08 09:01, Blogger my4kids said...

I can't say that I would have remembered something I had booked a few months ago let alone 1 or 2 years ago!
Glad you enjoyed the show.

At 12/1/08 09:29, Blogger Steffi said...

Wow...enjoy the show!This musical was here in Hamburg too over some years!

At 12/1/08 19:11, Blogger Joy T. said...

I took my girls to see Mamma Mia a couple of years ago when it was here in Edmonton and we all loved it! Of course I'm a huge ABBA fan so I sat there singing away with the rest of the audience, but my girls put up with me and loved the show anyway :o)


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